
Thursday, February 9, 2012

Doing something about it...

Ever look in the mirror and wished you looked better? Felt better? Who hasn't right? Age is a funny thing, it creeps up on you and guess what.. so does your weight. This year I vowed to stop having excuses on why I'm not doing something about it. I need to get "me" back. I need to feel good about myself again. I need to look in the mirror and think "not too shabby". I need help!
That's were myfitnesspal app comes in. It's wonderful. I can't say enough great things about this app. Its a free smartphone app (along with it's free website). Once you have the app loaded on your phone (or computer) you will need to set up your account. At your initial set up you will put in your age, weight, height etc. It then asks what weight you would like to be, calculates it all out and gives you a daily calorie intake. After that it's up to you to put in what you eat for each meal and how many calories you consumed. No need to stress over whether you know the calories or not because the app has an extensive library of foods.  There is also a scanner that lets you scan the barcode of the product and stores that food in your library. Add in your daily exercise for the day and it gives you back more calorie. My favorite feature with this app is at the end of the day when you "completed" your day, its tells you what your weight could be in 5 weeks IF you keep eating the way you did for that day!

Genius and I absolutely love it. It's even better if you do it with friends! Encouragement is key for any successful weight loss so ask your friends to join or look for me - tanacatalano


  1. Same here! I had way to many goodies the last few months.


  2. My husband and I started eating healthier Dec. 1st. It's been hard to keep at it some days, but for the most part we've stayed committed. Good luck to you as you work toward your goals.


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