
Friday, April 27, 2012

Operation Smile + Save a Parent a buck

Nowadays sending your child to College can be a never-ending-suck-all-the-money-out-of-us-parents-but-we are-OH-SO-happy-to-do-this-for-our-children journey. So any way that us "poor" parents can save even a little bit of money, we should jump right on it. My oldest daughter has always been a pretty smart and savvy shopper. When it came time for her to get her textbooks for College, she made a plan. She was going to rent them. Yes she rents them. Parents you need to get on the ball.. if you are still buying your kid's college textbooks.. well you are craaaazy (ok I had no clue either).
My smart child rents them from Campus Book Rentals. Don't believe me?
Check out Chelsea's blog post for yourself.
I told she was smart. 
Another thing that I love about Campus Book Rentals, they support Operation Smile. For every book you rent with CBR, they contribute a portion of that sale to this amazing amazing cause. It's really is a win win situation for both your College kids and us parents. 

If you are not familiar with Operation Smile ,it’s an organization that helps children around the world with cleft lips, cleft palates or other facial deformities. The provide surgery to correct these problems so that a child is able to smile again. You can learn more about the organization at Operation Smile.

*This was a sponsored post written by me on behalf of Campus Book Rentals. All opinions are 100% my own and those of my College daughter. Sadly, in no way were they influenced by the offering of free products/services (truly, she really does order from them). We are happy to spread the word.

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