
Tuesday, June 5, 2012

A Quickie Project

Thought I would share a quick project that I just finished up in the house. I really am the the worst blogger. I technically don't even know if I can call myself a blogger since I am so lame with my posts. So lame in fact, that the hubby even asked me why I don't blog anymore! Now that's bad.

We redid the floors over in the downstairs room that I loving call the library.
A quick shot of the new floors.Love!!

Aren't they gorgeous? The hubby did that all by himself. Those gorgeous new floors also have stairs that lead up to the living room/family, so it made sense that we refinish the steps leading upstairs.

Before (I remembered to take a picture after I did a coat on one of the steps)

I thought it would be dofferent to add a little fun to the steps so I went to Walmart and found these cute plastic numbers.

Yup.. I know the numbers are backwards, but I kinda like it that way. The sanding stairs still need to have a darker stain put on them.. and lord knows when I will get to that, but for now I really love how they look. What do you think??
Oh the stairs, along with the walls are painted with Martha Stewart's Sharkey Gray.

I'm sharing this project on: Thrifty Decor Chick, Swing into Spring Party, Flaunt it Friday, Nifty Thrifty Tuesday


  1. The floors are GORGEOUS! Love the angle that he laid them. Perfect. Perfect.


  2. Your floors are so beautiful! I love the way you numbered the steps too. Such a cute idea.

    PS. Did you know you have word verification enabled?

  3. The floors are gorgeous Tana. Your hubby did a great job. I love your numbered stairs too! You and your hubby make a great team, and a darn cute couple!


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