
Tuesday, July 17, 2012

My So Far Summer List

It's the middle of July already.. Can you believe it? We are pretty much smack dab in the middle of the summer and I am still dragging my ass around with a "To Do" list that is not getting done at all. It doesn't help much that we are having the longest heat wave evvvvvvvvvvah!

1. My office is gross. For reals. It's just not me at all. The wrong colors, no organization at all. The closets are overflowing with junk, things that I swear I will use.. eventually. It is the only room in the house that has been overlooked. And by overlooked, I mean painted 8 years ago when we 1st moved in and then forgotten.  I need to change that.
2. Make homemade bread. Epic failure on this easy ass recipe (only I could screw that one up) so I'm moving on to another. Maybe I should just stick to buying bread.
3. Paint the Dining table and chairs. Along with that project comes reupholstering the chairs. I'm dying to  to try the Annie Sloan Chalk paint but who wants to paint furniture when it's 90 degrees outside?
That's all I got for now. Pretty important stuff I know. 
Gotta keep it real (yo). 
Sharing a few pics of my summer so far. 
Birthday day gift from my hubby..
 Wine Spritzers on the Bay
Bike rides to the Barnegat Lighthouse
The Beach

How is your summer going do far?

1 comment:

  1. I think hanging out at the beach is a waaay better way to spend your time than cleaning out your office closet. I say, keep up the good "work"!


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