Thursday, May 7, 2009

Starting a book club

This summer I am starting my very own BOOK CLUB!! Yeah! I got a few girlfriends together and we are going to meet once a month and discuss a book. How do one go about starting a book club? Good question, cause I have no frickin clue. So I turned to who else, but Oprah to help me with this. She gave (and I am sure it was her) me a few helpful hints to get this project started.

1. Why are you starting a book club? What do you hope to get out of it? A fun filled night talking about one of the things I love best - BOOKS!
2. What type of people will make up the club? Are you hoping that all of you will have something in common (beside your love of books), or are you looking to form a diverse group? hmm, type of people? Well they are diversified in the fact that we are all moms who need to get out of the house?? Does that count?
3. What types of books will your club primarily read? Fiction? Non-fiction? One particular genre, such as romance, bestsellers or biographies? Will you rotate through themes each month, like Asian literature, travel books or classics? My thoughts are whomever is hosting gets to pick the book. All genres are welcome .. oh except Harlequin Romance, those are NOT allowed! Sorry, nothing against that smut, just none of us are into them.
4. Do you want to lead the club? If so, for how long, and how much time can you devote to organizing meetings, refreshments and discussions? If not, will other members be willing to take on these responsibilities? Again, each lady takes turns hosting and of course we will all bring a nibble or 2 (and drinks).
5. What are the minimum and maximum number of members your club can accommodate? The more the merrier!
6. When will your first meeting take place? How often will your club meet afterward? What about the summer months, and during the winter holidays? I still have to have a chat with the ladies and see when we shall start this "club". Since I head to the shore most weekends, Thursday's would probably be ideal for me.

I will definitely be posting the books that were picked, and give all of our reviews.
Check out the rest of Oprah's tips and start your own book club.

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