
Thursday, May 5, 2011

Coming up - Mother's Day!

I'm sure I don't have to remind you that Mother's Day is this Sunday.  Got any special plans going on? Hosting a brunch or BBQ? Or are you one of the lucky ones that is spending the day at a Spaaaaa? Sigh.. Don't tell me if those are your plans... I'm so jealous.
This year I am hosting a brunch for my mom and my mother-in-law. Two ladies that I completely adore. I already came up with a menu that the hubby is happily going to prepare for us. Hey, he asked and I eagerly told him what we (I) would like to have prepared. He's good like that.
Ooooh I almost forgot about cocktails. This year instead of a regular ole mimosa's I am going to try a something different - Mango Mimosa! Yum. Anyone ever try them?
Things have been so crazy busy around here that I haven't even given a thought as to how I am going decorate the table on Sunday. Mostly because my linens suck it big time. New napkins and table covers are definitely on the to-do list for this brunch. Nothing I have says Spring and/or fantastic, so it looks like I will need to take a trip to HomeGoods. Yeah me!

Now what do you think of this table setting? Don't you just love the colors and how they mixed polka dots with stripes. Fun, Springy and simply gorgeous. Definitely an inspiration for my table.

I thought I would share this photo... Just because it really makes me happy looking at it.


  1. Your hubby is so sweet to prepare the meal for you and your family! Hope you have a beautiful day Tana! Happy (early) Mother's Day to you, my friend!!!

  2. Mango mimosas sounds delicious.

    The table is stunning, I can really see why you use it as an inspiration.

  3. Love that inspiration pic! Give your mom extra hugs! So sad my mom is 500 miles away...sigh.


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