
Monday, May 9, 2011

A Great Mother's Day and I'm a winner!

Hey girrrrlssss.. How was your Mother's day?
Mine? Fan-freakin-tabulous. I came home from work on Friday to find a package waiting for me! You know it's always a good start to a weekend when you get a box in the mail.
Remember a few week's ago when I posted about the Three Ring Cottage's Giveaway?? No you don't remember? WTH? Anyway .. I WON! Woot woot!
Here is what I saw as I opened the box.. Mmmhmm.. there might have been a little oohing and aahing while opening. 

These antique paperclips are insanely adorable. What to do with them?

 And those vintage milk bottle? Sigh..  They will be filled with flowers Stat.   

As for Mother's Day - The hubby out did himself yesterday with the Mother's Day brunch. Assorted muffins, ham cheese and asparagus quiche, sausage, scrapple, home fries and these..

Mango Mimosas. Pure Heaven. 
sorry the pics are a little beat... iphone and all that.

The rest of my day was spent at Ikea picking up rugs and a light fixture for the living room. The hubby also provided a feast for dinner. Fill my belly and let me nap on the couch and I consider myself one lucky woman.
So how about you other mommy's? How was your holiday? I hope it was exactly what you needed. Mine certainly was. Happy Monday Peeps..


  1. Yes I remember your post on the giveaway, so glad you won!!! Those paperclips are neat!! Oh and did you say you had scrapple for brunch too? I love scrapple! It's better than bacon!!

  2. What a great giveaway! Those paper clips would be perfect in an office or even a laundry room : ) And ummm that brunch sounds incredible! So glad you had a great weekend!

  3. Glad you had such a great weekend! Interested to see what you do with the paperclips! :)

  4. i think quiche was the food of the day on mothers day! that's what we had, and i just looove it. boo that i didn't have any mango mimosas, that sounds yum!

  5. Sounds like you had a fabulous weekend! And mango mimosas'...uh, yum!!!

  6. Catching up on blog reading and so glad to see your package arrived safe and all in one piece. Enjoy the bottles and paperclips!

  7. Ahhhh, you had me at mimosas!! Oh but wait...MANGO mimosas!! Lucky lady!!! thank you for stopping by my blog, I am loving yours! Especially because you seem to Target as much as moi!



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