
Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Loving - An Urban Oasis

Monday night my oldest daughter and I went to The Airborne Toxic Event concert in the city (by "the city" I mean Philly). First I have to tell you if you have never heard of TATE, you must check them out ASAP. They are seriously the most AWESOME band EV-ER! Secondly, while driving around the city I tend to get excited. Mostly because I get to day dreaming of days when the hubby and I will retire will there. Yes, it is a loooong ways off but I still get a thrill when I drive around and see a cool building I never noticed or a row home that I would die to live in. While I do love my home, my neighbors and even my town, I just love love the city. I dream of the days when the hubby and I can walk to the stores (with our grandchildren), take bike rides on Kelly Drive or hey maybe I'll still be rocking out at concerts!

Houzz sent out an email showing off urban gardens and I was instantly drooling. Just because you live in the city does not mean you still can't have a garden oasis.  


  1. I am a city girl at heart too... my city of choice is my former home, Chicago. Like you, I love my current home but look forward to the day my hubby and I can really enjoy city life again like we did before kids. Love those urban gardens....

  2. love that curved seating! city living is not for me (well, unless it came with parking and a rooftop terrace that is!) i would love to be within walking distance of great restaurants and theatres.


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