
Friday, December 30, 2011

There's goes 2011...

It always amazes me how it seems that it takes Christmas so long to get here but and when it does.. it just flies right by! I sure hope that everyone had a relaxing and joyful Holiday, and maybe were spoiled just a little bit? Christmas morning was filled with smiles. The girls were very happy with what Santa (and the parents) brought them. And I must have been a very good girl this year because Santa brought me ..

This ..

and this adorable thing!

This week has been a bunch of get together with family, and best friends (and their families). I love it and wouldn't have it any other way.. but my goodness I'm exhausted!
Just a side note.. I know I have been pretty sucky with the posts lately.. yep, I know I have. I vow that will change that in 2012.
This year for a New Year Resolution I decided I wasn't going to try and lose something, but actually gain. Knowledge! I want to learn something new every month. January is going to start off with me attempting to learn how to Knit. Something I always wanted to learn. I have ideas for each month so stay tuned!
How about you? Any New Year Resolutions??


  1. good luck with your knitting! try the library for books.

    in the past i have tried to teach myself italian via cds in the car...not too successful. oh, and to play the guitar, where i got to a certain basic point and felt i needed real instruction. what a great resolution of gaining knowledge!

  2. Happy New Year, Tana! I love your idea of learning something new each month! I've always wanted to learn to knit or crochet too. My daughter taught herself how to finger knit. She's been making a bunch of scarves for her friends!


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