
Tuesday, December 13, 2011

This Year's Tree

I just love this time of the year... The excitement in the air.. especially around children. The gift of giving and being able to light up a child's face. The lights and sounds of Holiday decorations.
Decorating for the holidays is a long process around my house. I actually start preparing the weekend after Thanksgiving, but it still doesn't feel complete until the tree goes up! Now my house is finally complete.
Here is my gorgeous Norway Spruce - Bare but still looking beautiful
and all dressed up..

Doesn't it all seem just a little bit magical?


  1. those peace signs are neat. love sitting and reading on the couch with the tree aglow, don't you? or watching tv with it, etc.

  2. Gorgeous! I'm really digging the peace signs :)

  3. Your tree looks amazing. I am so glad I found your special place here. Thanks for sharing. I will follow on my way out so as I would love to visit again. I hope you will find the time to come visit my place and do the same. Wishing you a very Merry Christmas and I look forward to engaging and supporting your blog in the New Year. Cheers SpecialK XoXo


I just LOVE that you want to make a comment... If you want to tell me how great my blog is, then by all means.. flattery is greatly appreciate, but know that critism will cost you! :)