Tuesday, April 14, 2009

I have a plan ...

So, while I've been busy posting, I've also been busy trying not to eat. Does that make any sense to you? I’ve been busy trying to pay even more attention to what goes in my mouth. Honestly, when I first started Weight Watchers, I went in thinking “I am not going to write EVERYTHING down”. That’s just crazy to even try and do. Now I say it’s crazy NOT too. I can’t even imagine all that not knowing what I put in my mouth before I started WW. I was not accountable for it at all. Classic denial on why I gained weight!
The scale is still moving down (yeah), BUT I am not crazy to think it will continue on the downward path. I know there will be weeks where the scale stops moving all together. I am only in week 6. The “honeymoon” period! Last week I had my period and though I lost weight, I know I didn’t make good food choices. Let’s just say there was a lot of salt consumed. Oh and did I mention vodka? Don’t they go hand in hand?

Still at weigh in on Saturday I had a loss. Just under a pound (.8) but still a loss. I kick myself to think what the scale would have said, had I made a real effort to get stay on track? So, I will keep sticking to the plan. What’s the plan you ask?? Glad you asked….
The plan:
1. Keep pushing through with the 30 days of The Shred (missed 3 days now). I am still 2 weeks away from completing this project.
2. 1 week at a time of clean eating. That means no bites, licks or tastes. Seems easy, but man its hard!
3. No weighing myself unless at WI. Hiding the scale under my bureau is just not cutting it. I need to put the thing away!

Seems simple right? Yeah real simple

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