Tuesday, March 31, 2009


I'd like to show you a picture of the devil.. Scary isn't it?

Product Review - Maybelline VolumeXLSeduction Lip Plumper

As I slipped on my purple top this morning, I knew I was going to wear my plum lipgloss. I figured I would do a review of this product since I really do like it. I can't even admit to buying it because well, I didn't. No, I did not shop lift, but it some how ended up in my bag at Target. I guess the girl in front of my bought it and they forgot to give it to her? It was a moral dilemma that day. I kept it. Yes I am going to hell. OK so here is the review:
What it claims to do is - Plump up your lips, up to 30% more. Feel a tingling effect as active amplifiers instantly plump lips for a visibly fuller pout. Available in 10 seductive plumping shades.
What it did for me - Well as a lip gloss, it's pretty good. The color I have is Plum plump. At first I was not going to keep it because I did not like the color showing in the tube. I never considered myself a purple lip gloss kinda girl. Who knew? I now love purple on me. It has a nice tingle and a nice "flavor" to it, but the plumper didn't do much for me at all. The twist up tube was easy to use and apply. Over all, I would recommend it, just don't expect a lot of plumping action, but for $8.00, its a nice cheap lipgloss.

Monday, March 30, 2009

Here was today's lunch. 4.75 WW points. I couldn't find fresh pomegranate seeds so I used strawberries. Sooo good and filling. I got it from here. Just thought I'd share!
I'm down a little over 7 lbs.. yup I am!!! So happy..
Saturday night I went to my girlfriend's for a Sex toy demo. Ever been to one? You must go if you want to have a great time. just make sure you are not with a bunch of bores! So food wise, I was not very good. My stomach paid the price for it on Sunday morning! ugh (sorry TMI?). Still it was worth it. I had so much fun. I haven't laughed that hard in such a long time. My girlfriend Dawn went all out. She had an amazing spread of food available, only a few that were WW friendly! I wish I took pics of all her efforts because it was just too cute. All pinks and blacks. Her kitchen table was the floor, with pillows all around. Feather boas up the steps and candles every where. Adorable.

Friday, March 27, 2009

Kitchen love

By now (if you read this religiously and I am sure you do - hmm?) you know that I have a love for all things kitchen. I don't have a huge kitchen by any means, but with the space that I do have, I think I did a pretty nice job redecorating it. Trust me, when we 1st moved in the previous owners had contact paper on the walls AND it was covering a gapping hole! ugh. I have so many more ideas that I would love to do to the kitchen. Build an island, new hardwoods floors, replace the sliding glass doors with French doors. The list goes on and on. I saw this kitchen on House beautiful and I swear, I am in love. I mean maybe leave my husband if someone offered it to me - love (sorry honey). It's perfect in every way. The glass front refrigerator, the white accents pieces. How creative is the wall soap dispenser? Modern Country kitchen in Lakeville Ct, I love you.


So harem pants are "in" for the Spring? um no thank you! In my day, we called them MC Hammer pants. Yes I had a pair, and no I do not want to revive that look, thank you very much. The shoes are hot though. All found here..
I just had to post a picture of the strawberries I picked up at the supermarket last night. They are gorgeous. Too gorgeous to eat (but I did). Another plus for the Spring and Summer months ahead. Strawberries are loaded with fiber and Vitamin C. Check out the benefits. I cup is just 1 WW point!

Weekend menu

I was on The kitchen sink recipes this morning and I know this is for dinner on Sunday.. yum!

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Product alert!

I thought maybe once a week (or more) I would start recommending health food products that I found that I absolutely love. Arnold Select 100% Whole wheat sandwich thins are one of those products!! I've been looking for them for a few weeks since they suggested on almost all the healthy websites i read. This weekend I finally found them, at Walmart of all places. They were soft, big, 100% whole grain and guess what WW girls, only 1 point!! You can either use them for lunch meat sandwiches, hamburgers or open face mini pizzas. Delish! I highly recommend.

Lipstick love

It's been a little while since I've gotten excited over a red lip. Then I saw Blair Waldorf's ruby lipstick on Monday's episode of Gossip Girl, I was instantly in love. So much so I could not help but think of it the whole time while watching the show and again this morning while applying my makeup. I must find it! I just love this characters style. The hair and makeup are what I love most. While her clothes are stunning, I know they are bit too young for me. The stylists for this show are just amazing! I tried finding a picture of Blair's lips from Mondays episode, but could not find a close up. This was the best I could find. Check out the lips. They are super-shiny, and just the perfect shade of red (not too orangey, not too bluish). I will find out the shade they used but I know that you really do need to try reds on yourself, since your own lip, skin and hair tones can drastically change the color. The hunt is on!!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

oooh I want

Now imagine it like this:

phone from here


How weird. I have this blanket (Ikea). I actually lay it like that on my couch, which is the same style and color as the one in this pic. And this is the exact rug I WANT. (Ikea).
Now if only I could have my living room be this large! Gorgeous.

pic from here

Monday, March 23, 2009

It's the little things

With the time that I had to myself on Sunday morning, I also decided to redecorate the newly installed bookcases in our "entertaining" room. I still have not found baskets to fit the 2 center shelves, so I will not be posting a picture of the "complete" bookcases until I do. Yes, I am anal like that. Here are a few pics of the little things I did with the bookcases.

W/E wrap up

I don't know about you but I had a wonderful weekend. Really, it was pretty much perfect. Friday night I met up with Bobbi at Barnes & Noble's for a caramel macchiato and just great conversation. Are you lucky enough to have a friend that just gets you? It's so nice to be myself with someone and know no matter how snobby, silly or anal I am, they just don't care. I am lucky enough to have a few girls in my life that "get me" I am blessed.

Anyhoo.. My day started on Saturday with my weigh-in... ready?? I lost 3.3 pounds! Oh.My.God! I am beyond excited! It started my weekend off right. Hubby and I were kid-less this weekend so we decided to go for a stroll in Haddonfield. We stopped at Starbucks and I had another CM. 2 in 2 days? yikes! We then headed to see "I love you man". Ummm it was cute, but save your money and wait for the DVD. I surprised hubby with a picnic dinner on our living room rug. I wanted to take pics of the spread but I thought he would think I staged it so I could write about it. Not romantic! For dinner I made Weight Watchers oven fried chicken. It was DELICIOUS and only 4 points. I also made baked asparagus with a little sea salt and EVOO. Nice an light. The hubby picked up a chocolate Brownie cake for dessert. Not WW friendly but still he made an effort so I had to try it. Delicious. I had 3 bites then made him take it away from me. We also had a bottle of Tannat (yes the whole bottle). I can not tell you how much I enjoyed this bottle of wine. His aunt sent it to us from Uruguay, and now I am on the hunt to find it here in the States.

Yesterday morning I had all to myself and what did I do with that time? Cleaned, of course. Why on earth should I relax?? :P

I was a little annoyed with myself yesterday. I wasted a small amount of time over something so dumb. I had a few pieces of bread. GASP! Stupid I know, but I was upset with myself for being upset with myself, over something so dumb. Follow?? The hubby stopped at the market and picked up a loaf of Italian bread. It was still warm when he got home. yum! I had to have a small chunk. Then at dinner I had a small slice with my Smart balance butter. I refuse to beat myself up over it. I know I am on track and did not look at it as a set back (I really don't). I just simply enjoyed a few pieces of warm delicious crusty bread. It got me thinking about stuff that I don't want to not do or refuse to forget, so I came up with a little list.

-I can NOT skip breakfast. I noticed I feel better throughout the day when I start off making a good decision.
-I can NOT forget to portion control my foods
-I can NOT forget to write down each thing I ate.
-I can NOT forget to plan my meals for the next day
-I can NOT forget to have fresh fruit and veggies in the house. Makes a world of difference when grabbing a snack.
-I need to look at myself more, not ignore the small changes that are happening with my body and celebrate even the smallest accomplishments.
- I need to remember that this is for me, and me alone.

Remember control. Remember that I have the inner-strength that REALLY wants to take off this weight. Remember to focus on motivation, determination and the drive that I have when I really want something. I know how I am when I am focused on the prize.
I am the prize.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Happy weekend!

I know I plan on having a wonderful weekend and it has nothing to do with the fact that we are kidless (woo hoo) A weekend alone with the hubby - What to do, what to do?? One thing I know we are going to do is see "I love you man" tomorrow afternoon. I also have a picinic planned, in our living room (I hope he is not reading this, it's a surprise)! The rest of this weekend is totally up in the air. Just the way I like it! Just look at the gorgeous flowers the hubby surprised me with last night! God, I love that man!

Have a great weekend!I'm outta here!

heaven in a pudding

60 calories - 1 Weight watchers point - Heaven
Jello sugar fee, 60 calorie Dulce de leche..

Is it possible he is even hotter with glasses?

I want:


Spring is in - with snow??

Today is the 1st day of spring and I woke up to freakin snow!! WTF?? So annoying.
So peeps, last week was my 1st weigh-in with WW. I lost 2.5 lbs (yeah me!). Tomorrow is my next weigh-in and I am soo ready! I am honestly feeling really good. Now I KNOW that this could all change in a week, and I might post about my disappointment in myself, but people please, just stick with me ok? Now more about me - my pants are getting loose and I have more energy. I work out almost everyday now. Whether it's a walk, karate or a workout! I started doing Jillian Michael's "Shred" workout on Verizon Fios. My 10 year old is actually doing it with me! Don't you love that? I am excited to think of what I will look like by summer! I considered myself a semi-healthy person, but having to actually write down what I eat, watch the AMOUNT of what I eat, is really eye opening!

Thursday, March 19, 2009

oh no they didn't!

Look at this woman sitting at a bus stop in the Netherlands. She sits on the weight bunch and her weight shows up for all to see (in kilograms). The bus stop weight scale is part of an ad campaign by a fitness gym. They want to shame people into joining their gym. Would you be pissed if you didn't know about the scale? I would, but I still say bring it to the US of Fat A's!! Now that's great advertising!!

Win Shoes for a year!

Every girls dream.. win a pair of shoes (worth up to $250) for a year!
Piperlime is doing it!! Ends March 19th.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

10 Healthiest foods

According to Fitness Mag.. and I love them all!

Design idea - Succulents

I have a problem with natural lighting in my front room. I have one lone (large) bay window in this room, and although I could put plants on the window sill, I am not a fan on having plants in your front window. Just a "thing" I have. The solution? Succulents. I have some experience with them since they are all over my yard (they came with the house). I figure if I can do nothing to them and have them survive every year, then even I can make them survive inside my house. I think its safe to say I do not have a green thumb, and I am ok with it. Succulents are actually really pretty plants. They look great alone or in groupings. They have shallow roots and require hardly any water, which makes them ideal for my household. Since they do have such shallow roots, they can be planted in just about anything. I plan on using only white planters in all shapes and sizes. I'll post pics once I tackle this project! Can't wait!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

To friend or not to friend

About 6 months ago I decided to delete my MySpace account. I came to the realization that I wasn't really into it (I still think it's for pervs and teenagers) AND I wasn't really into some of my "friends". I had accepted "friendships" with people that I had no plan to speak to in-real life. I guess I got caught up in the idea of MS, and the fact that I could look at what they were up too. I really don't know why I ever bothered to open an account in the first place. I'm so over it. Around the same time I closed the Myspace account, I joined Facebook. I liked that you didn't have to set up a background, add music and silly images to make yourself look cool. Plus I opened the Facebook account with the notion that I would not extend or accept friend requests unless I truly wanted to be in touch with someone. Now, nearly a 6 months later, I am torn with how to respond to unwanted friend requests. I hate to "ignore" people, but I just don't want to be friends with people just to have my friend count high. Yes, there are people like that. In fact, (GASP)I just might know a few! My plan is to use Facebook to connect with people I actually care to reconnect with. I don't want to "accept" and bring that someone into my life, especially when they make no difference what-so-ever in my life. Harsh? I guess.
So... how do you handle unwanted "friendships"? Are you the type that just accepts any request, the type that accepts them, then deletes later on OR are you like me - picky with the selection in the 1st place?

oh and just one last thing while we are on the Facebook topic. If you add request to add a friend and they accept, say hello. Nothing bugs me more than when someone requests my "friendship" then completes ignores me. I will delete you! Ok now that's harsh.

To all you Irish!

Happy St. Patrick's day!
I'm sure most of the Irish will be making their corn beef and cabbage today. Me? I'm making Arroz con Pollo! Don't worry, I'm not anti -Irish, just not into that kind of food. But I am celebrating today by wearing a green shirt! It's the little things.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Look who made the new GQ.. About damn time! Now excuse me while I get a tissue to wipe the drool from my mouth.


After a month of repeats - all new Gossip Girl's is finally here..tonight!
Can't wait ... I missed yah Chuck!

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Lighting Dilemma

I have an almost finished, newly decorated room (almost, but so much more to do). I had an idea to refurbish an old monkey lamp I had in a closet upstairs. Well that didn't go over to well with the gf's. I think my favorite word to describe the lamp was "creepy". So the hunt was on. I have been collection wine corks with the decorating idea to fill a glass hurricane vase. Well why not fill a glass display lamp with them? You would think finding a display lamp that was under $100 would be easy? Not so! I won't give up, I will find one! Until then I can just go ahead and collect more corks. That's the fun part!

pics courtesy of potterybarn and martha stewart

WW blog alert!

I think Heather from www.wwchick.com could be a sister from another mother. She is a WW leader, a coupon fanatic and has a kick ass blog! She has a ton of great info on her site. Check it out here! You'll love it!

Yum- just thought I would share.

I'm too lazy to go back and see if I already wrote about these wraps, so you have to deal with them again (or for the very 1st time). La Tortilla Smart & Delicous Low Carb/High fiber (that's a mouthful) wraps are only 80-calories, have 14-gram-of-fiber and these babies are LARGE! They're FANTASTIC! Oh and only 1 WW point!!!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

10 things I *heart* about Spring!!

1. The weather - We had a little teaser with the gorgeous weather last weekend, it actually got up to 72!! You just can't beat 72 degrees, with that comes sunshine, and just an all over good vibe. It makes you want to do stuff, doesn't it? I'm looking forward to when this weather is a constant!
2. Sandals and Flip-Flops - I love flip flops and normally buy about 4 -5 new ones per Spring season! I love wearing open toed shoes period. With sandals and flip-flops comes the constant pedicures! Bonus!!
3. Opening windows - Ahhh, nothing feels or smells better than a breeze coming through an open window! Turn the music up real loud and clean the house!
4. T shirts - I love a perfect fitting T. Spring makes me want to go out and buy T's and when I find that perfectone, I buy it in a few colors. It only makes sense!! I found having just a bit of lycra does the trick.
5. White pants - (After Easter of course). I love white pants. Don't think that white makes you look fat, it's the cut that doesn't flatter your body, that does that. Of course there are some women that can't pull it off and shouldnt even try. White is just so fresh and any color top that you pair with it just seem to POP. It looks great with the turquoise, coral and metallic sandals that are so in for this spring and summer! Add a pair of over sized sunglasses and your look is complete!
6. New Spring Handbags - I love looking for that perfect bag for the Spring. I tend to buy one colorful bag that will go with different looks (casual, out for drinks etc.). This year I m thinking of getting a turquoise bag. I have my sites on a few.
7. Fresh Fruit and Veggies - Nuff said!
8. Dining outside - What can be better than sitting back, relaxing and enjoying the scenery with a nice glass of wine of a cold cocktail. Whether it's outside at a patio bar or my favorite, my sun room.
9. Water ice - Rita's Water ice will be opening soon. I just love their Mango water ice. It makes Spring feel offically here when they open.
10. Taking walks- So far the weather has been kinda nice for just a few days and I have already taken a walk everyday. My dog is loving it too.
all pics courtesy of vicoriassecret.com